Greetings from Carrboro,
My father wrapped presents alone – bedroom door shut. Though from the den it sounded to the rest of us as if he were wrestling a herd of angry walruses over a bucket of herring. Or maybe sea lions. Bursts of paternal profanity and what only can be described as passive-aggressive grunts careened down the hallway at regular intervals. His annual battle royale with tape and scissors and PTA-sourced wrapping paper was only broken occasionally by his appearance, unbloodied, to refresh his drink.
The inevitable conclusion of our little familial pastiche had my sister gallantly stepping in and easily accomplishing in 20 minutes what took my father a good three hours to do. And, yes, this might well have had something to with the bourbon. Or, if I’m any indication, genetics.
Looking back, I’m fairly certain that gift bags would have extended his life a good five years. Maybe more. Such domestic affairs were not his domain. To say the least. Thank god he never tried to cook meals around the holidays. (Or, maybe, thank Mom.) His forays into the culinary arts gave his wrapping skills a certain professional, can-do spirit. Two words sum it up: microwave biscuits.
But Dad certainly got the joy of restaurants. Taking the family out to dinner was about his favorite thing. It was a gift he didn’t have to wrap, a meal he didn’t have to cook. And we all loved it. I’m sure that’s a big part of my love affair with restaurants.
Over the next week or so Acme is happy to be that unwrapped present under the tree. Christmas Eve Brunch and Dinner. Our Calabash Christmas on Wednesday, the 27th. Think of it as a southern version of the feast of seven fishes. But with tartar sauce. And hushpuppies. Then there’s New Year’s Eve brunch and dinner to say goodbye to 2017 in style. And, finally, our traditional New Year’s Day brunch to welcome 2018 with all the wealth, health, and luck we can muster. Christmas in Carrboro is a good thing.
Well, that’s all the holiday news from Carrboro, The staff at Acme look forward to serving you soon.
The Staff at Acme
Reservation 919 929 2263 or online