Greetings from Carrboro,
This is about the time when I want to slap Bing Crosby. Because his White Christmas seems so damningly more wonderful than the inevitable Chinese fire drill my holiday becomes. He seems to laugh at me through the speakers at the mall. Or whatever device at home or work that haunt me with charming songs about chestnuts or Parson Brown. With Christmas only a week away, I’ll take my Xanax candy cane-flavored please.
I’m not sure how I’d survive without the internet or gift bags. Seriously. And even they’re starting to fray at the edges. The internet has way too many choices. And gift bags now require proper and decorative use of ribbon and tissue paper – an old and formidable nemesis. Good thing I’ve been taking my vitamins and doing my breathing exercises.
So, if you are at all like me, let me give you a little hint; gift certificates. Acme gift certificates to be exact. You can buy them through our website. And they can be sent electronically! With one press of a button your gift can be wrapped and sent and delivered in a nanosecond. Easy as pie. No tape. No “From: To:” tags. And zero anxiety. Nada. It’s really the best gift. I even think that Bing would approve.
Acme will be open for dinner on Christmas Eve and for a special brunch on New Year’s Day. Reservations for both days are available only by calling the restaurant – 919 929 2263. Because I think that we all know that nothing makes the holidays happier than not having to do the dishes. And delicious is always a good thing.
Well, that’s all the news from Carrboro. The staff at Acme look forward to serving you soon.
The Staff at Acme
Reservations online or 919 929 2263