Greetings from Carrboro,
There are flying reindeer to abet the plausibility. And a conceivable backstory with Mrs. Claus in the cozy North Pole abode brewing cocoa and those invaluable elves toiling away in workshops crafting toys. And of course Santa has his merry laugh, a sleigh and, well, pants. In the pantheon of holiday lore, the Easter Bunny definitely – definitely – got the short end of that stick.
I can just hear some holiday Hollywood-type being pitched. “So, let me get this straight. You’ve got a rabbit and some colored eggs.” Then there’s a very pregnant pause. “That’s your entire scenario.” And our energetic pitchman replying, “Right! And a basket, uneaten mediocre candy, and short-sleeved dress shirts!” It’s seriously hard to see how this whole thing got green-lighted way back when. Honestly. It boggles the mind. When confronted as a parent by appropriately dubious kiddos, it’s like trying to make a palatable dinner when all you’ve got in the kitchen are pickles, everything bagel seasoning, and something funky in the freezer swaddled in Saran wrap. “Really, honey. It’ll be delicious. Trust me.”
But somehow the whole thing works. And you wanna know why? Brunch. Plain and simple. Brunch is like LeBron James. It’s the kind of superstar that just makes everything around it so much better. Especially if you don’t have to cook. Or clean. The ol’ bunny & basket ruse is quite a bit simpler when you’re eating cinnamon rolls and eggs benedict. And that celebratory mimosa certainly doesn’t hurt. Especially when little Mikey gets maple syrup all over his new, short-sleeved dress shirt. OK, so maybe you’ll want two mimosas.
Easter Brunch at Acme. Sunday, April 9th, 10am – 3pm. We certainly hope that the weather will accommodate serving on the patio. Biscuits and coffee cake and bacon and quiche. Salmon and fried chicken and crab cakes. A delicious Easter awaits. And it all starts with a reservation. And that happens here. It’s going to be a great day.
Next Friday, March 17th, is St. Patrick’s Day and we have your Irish favorites covered. Whether you want to eat at the restaurant or celebrate at home, Acme is ready. Our St. Patrick’s Day Takeout Feast is available to order online through the 16th of March or until we run out of the meals – we only have so many. That menu is below. (Please note: we will not accept regular takeout orders on St. Patrick’s Day. All of the St. Patrick’s Day specials that night will be reserved for in-house diners.) Reservations can be made to join us at Acme on St. Patrick’s Day here. And to whomever keeps calling to ask – yes, we will have the Lucky Charms Sundae on the menu. Thanks for reminding us! Erin go bragh!
Well, that’s all the news from Carrboro. The staff at Acme look forward to serving you soon.
The Staff at Acme