Greetings from Carrboro,
In 3rd grade, Mrs. Steele got a gerbil. It was the classic boy gerbil that had like 8 babies the second week “he” was part of the class. Subsequently, Mike became Mika and those babies that survived were adopted by classmates. But Mika stayed with us the whole year. My clearest memory is the sound of the gerbil in her clear plastic ball navigating the classroom while we worked quietly on some 3rd grade task. She raced down the aisles and then we’d hear a thump as the ball came to an abrupt halt, her quest for freedom thwarted yet again.
Entering the second month of quarantine, I sympathize with that poor gerbil. This plastic bubble is pretty fun until, well, it really isn’t. And I’ve recently been made aware how many other things have been shut down with all the uncertainty about what the next few months will bring. Namely all those summer vacation dreams that were stopped cold by the pandemic. That’s the sound of our little quarantine bubble running right into that barrier to freedom. Whump.
So, we thought we’d help. Since you can’t go on vacation, let us take you there. It’s easy. Every week, Acme To-Go will feature Staycation Family Meals. This week’s meal is either a trip to Italy or, more likely, a trip to visit family in New Jersey. Over-the-top chicken parmesan & tiramisu. And, yes, we have a chianti for that. Next week we’re headed to a dude ranch in West Texas. You get the picture. So, saddle-up, pardner.
But moving forward we want your help. What vacation are you really needing right now? Or is there a dream trip that you will have to miss because of all the coronavirus mayhem? Let us know ( where you want us to take you – culinarily of course. And it needn’t be exotic. If we choose your vacay locale, you’ll get that week’s family meal for free to take home for your own luxurious staycation. And we’ll even put your name on the menu. Fame! Glory! Freedom! Mika would definitely be proud.
Well, that’s all the news from Carrboro. The staff at Acme look forward to serving you soon.
The Staff at Acme