Greetings from Carrboro,
Looking back, it’s a little surreal. Acme has been featured in magazines and newspapers. I’ve been on television and interviewed on the radio. And sitting at the bar, making lists for the day, a very sincere part of me always wonders when all of these critics and writers are going to come to their collective senses. You know, letter after letter that starts, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what we were thinking…”
Well, I haven’t received that letter yet; knock on wood. From my perch, it’s pretty humbling to think of all the kind words and notes from all of you, the real critics, that over the years have made the bad days bearable and the good days great. And next Sunday, April 23rd, the awesome folks at TASTE are honoring me at The Rickhouse in Durham. But, in truth, they are also honoring all the wonderful people who have worked at Acme over the past 20 years and all of you who have eaten with us and laughed with us and watched Carrboro grow. Believe me, restaurants are a team sport. So, to celebrate, TASTE is throwing a big party and you are invited.
Basically, it’s Salt & Smoke goes to Durham. It’s whole-hog barbecue and oysters on the half-shell. It’s macaroni-n-cheese and cornbread, hoppin’ john and collards. And, just to warn you, a huge portrait of my face on the wall… But most of all, it’s really good time. Hope you can join me.
So next Sunday, April 23rd from 4-7, we’ll be doing what we love to do most; eating damn good food with damn good people. Pro tip: you can get 15% off tickets at by using coupon code “ACME.”
This weekend at Acme: Spring pea & ricotta hand pies. Roasted beef bone marrow with green tomato jam and grilled bread. Sweet potato ravioli. Cast-iron skillet Carolina crab cakes. Pink wine. Forever roasted pig. Shooting Point oysters. Cold local beer. Grilled ribeye. Local asparagus. Easter ham on Sunday. Holidays are made for Acme.
Well, that’s all the news from Carrboro. The staff at Acme look forward to serving you soon.
The Staff at Acme
Reservations 919 929 2263 or online