Greetings from Carrboro,
Walking through the farmers’ market, it sure as hell didn’t feel like fall. But “be prepared” was what I was always told in Boy Scouts. So I bought them anyway; climate change be damned. The calendar did say October if, just barely. And I had a job to do and a date on the calendar to honor. To paraphrase the old adage — Salt & Smoke waits for no man.
It was on that ridiculously hot Thursday that I smoked them en masse. Yes, THAT 100 degree Thursday. So it’s been right at three weeks since I started. And every day since we’ve add a little distilled water and checked the percolating progress. Fermenting that many chilis and garlic for hot sauce takes time and patience and, um, forgiving neighbors (here’s looking at you, Clay). The smell is pretty intense. But in the last few days, jeez. I’m surprised I wasn’t arrested by the garlic police.
Thank god the wait is finally over. For fall and those five gallons of seriously legit hot sauce. For the cool nights and those first wonderful whiffs of woodsmoke. And, of course, for the raison d’être behind the sauce, Salt & Smoke Festival VII — Acme’s annual celebration of fall in the South. The celebration of whole hog BBQ and oysters and music. Of local beer and cocktails and cider and wine. Of bonfires and magic and, well, exactly why it’s so great to live right here, right now. The party clock is officially ticking. It’s hard to believe that in just over 2 weeks I’ll be knee-deep in the party of the year out at beautiful Rock Quarry Farm. With some 500 of my very best friends. I can hardly wait.
I’d love for you to join us. But the scary part is that we have less than 100 tickets left. And when they’re gone, they’re gone. It happens every year. But this year it seems that everybody already gets that this is going to be the best festival yet; early ticket sales have been off the charts. Maybe it’s the fact that Tom is driving the oysters down fresh from the sea that day, or they heard that our magician will freak. you. out. Either way, I must say that those 400+ souls are on to something. It is going to be great. Really great. It always is. So for those of you sitting on the fence, here’s a video primer of Salt & Smoke to give you a little, healthy nudge. Because someone has to get that last ticket. Why not you? Go ahead. Spice up your fall.
See the video:
Well, that’s all the news from Carrboro. The staff at Acme look forward to serving you soon.
The Staff at Acme
Reservations: online or 919 929 2263
The Deets:
What: Salt & Smoke VII
When: Saturday, November 9th, 1:30pm – 6:30pm
Where: Rock Quarry Farm – 1700 N Carolina Hwy 54 W, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Tickets: $85 per person
What you get: live music all day. The most insane magic tricks you’ve ever seen. Half dozen oysters on the 1/2 shell. Roasted clams. Overnight smoked whole-hog barbecue. All those Acme sides — mac and cheese, hoppin’ John, collard greens, cole slaw, cornbread, bourbon sweet potatoes. S’mores bar. Yes, a s’mores bar. A photo booth (thx for the memories). Two drinks of your choice. And possibly the time of your life.