Greetings from Carrboro, I hope you’re hungry. Or thirsty. Or better yet, both. Mardi Gras is coming to town. Starting tonight and through Fat Tuesday, March 4th, Main St is turning into Bourbon St for Acme’s 15th annual deep dive into the glories of New Orleans. The music, the food, the drink, the beads. It’s going […]
Get Mardi Gras Ready
Greetings from Carrboro, We try. But North Carolina doesn’t really get super “festive.” It’s just not part of our social DNA. Most of our festivals are awash in the requisite homespun pottery, strawberry jam, and wood carvings of cute farm animals. Raleigh’s annual December 31st shindig to watch a large, well-lit acorn ceremoniously descend to trumpet […]
Your Valentine’s Day Survival Guide
Greetings from Carrboro, It’s more or less a week away. And Cupid’s little shindig requires a plan. For peace of mind, if nothing else. And sometimes a plan needs a blueprint or at least a little insider’s information. Because you can’t leave romance to the often perilous consequences of serendipity. Whistling in the dark is […]
Celebration Time
Greetings from Carrboro, I have a certain professional empathy for Joey Chestnut. Setting the world record for hot dog eating obviously has its rewards; the guy’s plenty famous. But still. While eating 83 hot dogs in 10 minutes might get you on ESPN, it also means that you, well, just ate 83 hot dogs. And that has […]
Your 2025 Triumphs Begin with Us
Greetings from Carrboro, By now, most of our earnest resolutions for the new year have entered their annual death spiral. They haven’t actually crashed and burned yet; we’re too smart for that. Instead, we turn to a whole slew of self-help books/mantras that act as consoling parachutes after we hit the eject button, easing us […]
Acme Turns 27
Greetings from Carrboro, It’s birthday season. Well, at least around here. During the next six weeks Acme will celebrate 27 years in Carrboro, my eldest daughter will toast a similar number of trips around the sun, and then someone, um, else might have to – let’s just say for my sanity – put, oh, a few more […]
Give a Gift Card, Get a Gift Card
My kids had it dialed in. They were earnest and sweet and unquestionably manipulative. And for my part, I always fell right into their trap. It was certainly nothing new: poor, helpless children can’t go Christmas shopping for family and friends without a kind-hearted adult who takes them to the mall. Please, please, please they […]
Christmas Feast To-Go
Greetings from Carrboro, We now live in the world of $1000+ advent calendars. These are mostly jewelry because, of course, that makes sense. But there are also calendars that feature 24 various bottles of wine for all those loved ones who had an unequivocally rough November. And even cheese-centric daily indulgences where the calendar – […]
Let the Holiday Cheer Begin!
You’ve been waiting for a good bit. But you’re finally here. And the guy’s already checked nonchalantly to see if your safety bar is secure. This is basically the point where the teenager in the booth is telling you to keep your arms inside at all times. There’s really no going back now. You take […]
Holidays Shouldn’t Be Hard
Greetings from Carrboro, It’s about time. Literally. Arugula seeds that I bought in March wink at me, perched next to the lamp on my desk. I keep expecting to get an email from them, “How does your November look? Thursdays are good for us. ” Damn, cheerful little bastards. Please. Are we talking November ‘24 […]
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