Greetings from Carrboro, I was at the beach when Nixon resigned. It was the first summer that we ever rented a house on Ocean Isle – the Time & Tide – that even had a TV. My mom made us all sit down, cross-legged, and watch in our bathing suits. My brother had to stand […]
Weekend at Acme 8/12 – 8/14
Greetings from Carrboro, It was a shock – and I mean shock – to learn in my first semester taking French at UNC that “sercy” was not, actually, French for “surprise.” Because, well, I had heard that proclamation oh-so-many times. Even in church! The fact that I almost argued the point with a native French-speaking […]
Weekend at Acme 8/5-8/7
Greetings from Carrboro, If you haven’t heard, the US Olympic basketball team is living on a cruise ship anchored off the coast of Brazil. It has a spa and several restaurants. Even a cigar lounge. That image seems a far cry from that of the jubilant kids that won gold in the Montreal Olympics of […]
Weekend at Acme 7/28-7/31
Greetings from Carrboro, Some things take root. Just as often, there are things that don’t hold on and are lost. The South isn’t for everyone. You can’t walk outside, midday, and not feel that truth. Kudzu took root. A little too well. People swear that in this ridiculous heat you can watch it grow. And […]
This weekend at Acme 7/22/16
Greetings from Carrboro, My sister brought ratatouille home from college. Being away from home made her fancy. At least in my mind. Because before her little culinary adventure, the closest our family got to French food was French fries. And with French fries you got a familiar and oh-so-American hamburger. With the ratatouille we got a […]
Acme Tomato Festival July 8, 9 and 10
Greetings from Carrboro, The Tomato Festival is here! The Tomato Festival is here! Tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday. So, so, soooo many glorious tomatoes. You could say that the kitchen is wading in every imaginable size, shape, and color of tomato that you can imagine. It’s quite the sight. And, still, we’re afraid that we’re going […]
Salt & Smoke @ Ponysaurus : April 9th
Greetings from Carrboro, When spring is good, it’s SO good. On certain afternoons the flowers bloom brighter, the birds sing more beautifully, and all seems exactly right in the world. And Saturday, April 9th, promises to be one of those days. BBQ + Beer + Bluegrass + Bivalves. No abacus necessary. You can do […]
Acme’s 18th Birthday!
Greetings from Carrboro. Time, as they say, gets away from us; it’s a sneaky bastard. Seasons come and go and there is refuge in their deeply familiar path. But our annual pilgrimage from January to December is full of days where we mark time within the arc of our lives. On my birthday, I always […]
Carrboro Rib Night
Greetings from Carrboro, Poor January. It used to have the Super Bowl. Then February stole it. And now I hear that August is lobbying to pilfer Martin Luther King, Jr. Day citing better weather. Which would effectively leave January with stillborn resolutions, seasonal affective disorder, and really bad movies. So in an attempt to give […]
Christmas at Acme
Greetings from Carrboro, This is about the time when I want to slap Bing Crosby. Because his White Christmas seems so damningly more wonderful than the inevitable Chinese fire drill my holiday becomes. He seems to laugh at me through the speakers at the mall. Or whatever device at home or work that haunt me […]