Greetings from Carrboro, We’ve got Kanye and Kim. Then there’s John and Yoko for the non-millenial set. And, to be sure, Easter and Brunch for, well, just about all of us. The way I see it, mixing religion and donuts is a natural. Where is it written that the bread you break can’t be fried, […]
Carrboro go Brách!
☘ Greetings from Carrboro ☘ In Chicago, they turn the Mississippi green. Like, you know, really green. For miles. But Carrboro’s lack of any significant tributary sort of shot that idea in the foot. Unless we chose to dye Bolin Creek some vibrant verdant hue. But that would probably just terrify wildlife. And expecting the town to […]
If it’s been one of those weeks…
Greetings from Carrboro, I’ve been on some schedule – somewhere – to work brunch for 30 years. It’s a little ridiculous. So many 5 am alarms and broken eggs. Karma is like that – escape is really never an option. If on the 7th day God rests, I certainly make biscuits. Delicious buttermilk biscuits, to be sure. […]
Patio is open!
Greetings from Carrboro, Tom dug them on Tuesday. You know, two days ago. He texted from the boat. Last year, I sat with him on that very boat and ate raw clams with him, freshly dug from the shallows of eastern Virginia. Seaweed grew all around the bed. We walked in knee-deep water, barefoot in the […]
Acme’s 20th- get ready to party!
Greetings from Carrboro, There are lots of ways to celebrate. Lots. According to Hollywood, good number of the best involve Las Vegas. That is not in anyway to disparage the more typical celebrations that don’t involve Vegas, veering instead towards a bucolic, family-centric theme of puppies and iced tea and neighbors you’ve never met. But […]
One helluva week!
Greetings from Carrboro, It’s a big week. Well, it’s a big week in the Acme-verse. There’s Mardi Gras stacked on Valentine’s Day with, well, Acme’s 20th Anniversary celebration just thrown in for good measure. Any one of those events would be enough to fill our dance card. But we do things big around here. Staff’s […]
Mardi Gras starts tonight!
Greetings from Carrboro, Mardi Gras never made it this far north. Or east for that matter. It sort of peters out on the Georgia-Alabama border. I don’t think that we can blame this tragedy on climate change. In my experience, this is more of a protestant thing. The Presbyterian world that I was brought up in […]
Acme Turns 20! (Party Like It’s 1998)
Greetings from Carrboro, There’s a list in my head. Good lord, it’s long. The bitter mistakes, the stumbles, the hubris. All the things that I wish I’d done better or just had the courage to do right. But love makes a fool of all of us. The straight and narrow gives way. And our path […]
Take that, Travelocity gnome!
Greetings from Carrboro, I get a lot of junk emails. And like the rest of you, I delete 99% of them. But the travel ones always get me. It takes an act of extreme will for me to delete anything promising some sweet deal comprised of sunshine and palm trees and endless sunsets. Especially in […]
Snow, shmow. We’re open!
Greetings from Snowboro, #1) It’s not snowing in the kitchen. #2) There are boxes of delicious oysters in the walk-in refrigerator waiting to be shucked. And from what I can tell, #3) the bourbon has yet to go bad. From my perspective, Acme is snowmageddon-proof. So, there’s that. Then there’s the fact that going out […]
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